We Will Start Migrating User Accounts

Beginning with the 15th of November 2021, we will start migrating your account to a new and improved server. We are letting go of our old server configurations and switching to more powerful and reliable servers.

With our Customers satisfaction in mind, we have configured and powered on a new server, that has a much better performance and stability. Although the new server will not be located in Canada, it will still provide you with a good peering and fast accessibility for your users, as it’s location will be in America.

The technical team and the moderator team are working around the clock to make sure everything will run smoothly.

The new server will be in the US with Global Access Point, meaning we will be able to deliver your website data worldwide.

And we are also moving our database to the new server. This should not affect your user experience.

Answering sensitive or specific questions. If you have specific questions about how we collect, use, and share your information, we encourage you to contact us or use our web and mobile cookie consent tools.

We would like to thank everyone for their support and patience.


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